List · People

5 Accountancy Cuties to Motivate You

Others are taking the time off and doing their thing – maybe doing nothing at all because it is semestral break, dude! But there are still students who need to study, just like the sophomore students of Far Eastern University – Makati majoring in Accounting Technology who will be taking their qualifying examination. Once they… Continue reading 5 Accountancy Cuties to Motivate You

Open Letters

Open Letter: Maybe a “Hi” Or “Hello” Will Mend It

I don’t know if you and I will be able to talk again.

List · People

10 FEU Makati Cuties

Far Eastern University Makati may just be a smaller campus than your typical university, but it is a home to a lot of cuties! These guys aren’t that hard to find all over the school –since it is just a building. They just might to happen in the lobby, or on the same ride of… Continue reading 10 FEU Makati Cuties

Open Letters

Open Letter: It’s Not Me and It’s Not You. It’s Not Us. This is Friendzone

Dear You,